Journaling 4 29 23

N​uances and juxtapositions, timing and the rhymings of things…these are the things that keep me going, keep me entertained. People frequently say ‘everything happens for a reason’ or infer that there is some higher meaning to things, especially when they get churned under, but I continue to observe that meaning is ours to make up, that our perceptions are so limited and distorted that the best we can hope for is some general vibrational alignment with the ‘Greater Whole’–aka The Great Mysterious Grand Poo Paw, as I like to call it. That which is bigger than my ability to comprehend….something some high number of levels ‘up’. It’s all absurd, and clearly mostly made up.

I​t is passing the noon hour and I have wrapped up a nice morning of self care items, contemplations, and messages. Rebounding, walking, meditating, tones, contemplation, breakfast, second breakfast…ginseng, coffee, weed…it’s a good life, indeed.

4​ 30 23

5​ 1 23

N​o sooner than I surrendered to the idea that I might not be super human, and also, merely mutant, my super powers began to flow back. Reminding me there is always ebbing and flowing, holding and let going…

I​t turns out, lifetimes aren’t very long after all.